Nuking Crownz, Rise Of Kronos, The Most Famous Unknown

Nuking Crownz, Rise Of Kronos, The Most Famous Unknown
Date: 15.11.
Doors: 18:30
Genre: Crossover,Nu-Metal,Death Metal,Grunge,Punk
Vvk.: bei den Bands direkt
Online Vvk.:…/nuking-crownz-rise-of…
NUKING CROWNZ ist eine deutschsprachige Crossover bzw. Rapmetal /
Nu-Metal Band aus Wuppertal, Deutschland.
Die Band gründete sich im November 2019 neu, aus einem zuvor
bestehendem Projekt.
Die vier Musiker arbeiteten unter dem Pseudonym „Bonez“ zusammen und
veröffentlichten unter diesem Namen zwei LP’s und eine EP.
Die Band spielte in der Zeit über 200 Konzerte in ganz Deutschland und
Schottland; auf mehreren Festivals, unter anderem auf dem Reload
Festival, nahm am Bundesfinale Local Heroes teil, belegte den ersten Platz
auf dem Eurogig Bandcontest und spielte im Anschluss Konzerte in
Glasgow und Ayr.
2019 arbeitet die Band eng mit Aljoscha Sieg (Pitchback Studios) an der
Neuausrichtung und nimmt 14 Tracks für das erste Studioalbum des neuen
Projekts NUKING CROWNZ auf.
Die deutschsprachigen Texte behandeln überwiegend
gesellschaftskritische Themen; das Klangbild ist düster aber vielseitig und
Die Band besetzt mit ihrem Stil ein Genre, das besonders im
deutschsprachigen Raum wenig belegt ist und kreiert damit eine ganz
eigene Sparte.
Das Debüt der Band ist für das 3. – 4. Quartal 2021 geplant, begleitet von
einer Clubtour quer durch die Republik (


Simon Felgenträger – Vocals, Turntables, Producing
Matthias Wiercinski – Guitar, Backingvocals
Mario Smida – Bassguitar, Backingvocals
Simon Strotmann – Drums
Apple Music:
Rise Of Kronos
Rise Of Kronos was born in 2021 from a former band called Surface. After 11 years of hard
work, more than 150 concerts, three records and a lot of sweat, blood and tears Surface
decided to start a new chapter. As they were (and are) close friends, they wanted to stay
together but walk a new, even more, professional path. They needed to stand up and – finally
– take each and every fan with them to Olympus. The decision for a new name was born quite
early on their journey to a new concept. Somehow Surface did not fit to the music anymore
and had to be replaced, but on the other hand, those four friends want to keep the link to their
11 years of music and their amazingly loyal fans – to their so-called Titans. Consequently,
they named themselves after their 2015 released record “Rise Of Kronos”. Rise Of Kronos is a
hymn of praise to the past years, their fans as well as a brand-new concept with a new image
and new musical influences. Dark, modern and straightforward death metal with the tendency
to progressive metal, Swedish death and hardcore – this is what Rise Of Kronos stands for.
Combining Greek mythology and an impulsive live show, they are ready to take the lead to
Olympus – now.

The Most Famous Unknown
We identify our music as post grunge indie rock. We always played music that we liked and managed to develop our
own style accordingly, and under the influence of our favourite bands. THE MOST FAMOUS UNKNOWN’s debut
album is a diverse collection of songs resembling the musical spirit of 90’s grunge rock with hints of punk rock and
modern indie rock.
THE MOST FAMOUS UNKNOWN are Marco (Bass/Vocs), Ben (Drums) and Daniel (Guitar/Vocs). The Band was
founded in 2012 on a rather drunk but enthusiastic wedding night of Bens and Daniels sister. TMFU hasn’t changed
its setup ever since. Originating in Hamburg, Germany Ben and Daniel live here for almost 20 years. Marco moved to
Hamburg in 2010 from Italy, which explains why the band is talking english all the time.
Fun Fact: Ben and Daniel are actually brothers, as you might have guessed already.
In 2015, the band founded its own label called TMFU Records to stay financially and creatively independent. TMFU
also loves to invite fellow musicians and friends for a jam session and some beer, which often leads to new ideas
and inspirations. So it was only a matter of time until a projects band evolved. Under the working title TMFU
Projects the band creates, together with the rapper A* the Pathfinder and other musicians, a fusion of rock and rap
that makes you bounce. This side project already released „Give it to me, Baby“ under the TMFU label, a full album
is planned.
TMFU on Spotify, iTunes, GPlay, Deezer, Amazon
Dieser Konzertabend ist eine 3G Veranstaltung. Die maximale Gästekapazität belassen wir bei 50, damit ihr euch freier bewegen könnt. Wir werden alle 20 Minuten lüften, auch während der Konzerte, also zieht euch warm an. Am Steh- oder Sitzplatz kann die Maske abgenommen werden. Wir aktualisieren unser Hygienekonzept bis zum Datum fortlaufend, je nach Stand der Verordnung.